Bee Place Company Limited

Bee Place is a limited liability company registered in Tanzania to pioneer in developing the East, Central and Southern Africa beekeeping sub-sector through providing modern, appropriate and high quality equipment along with requisite support facilities such as site survey, hive installation, honey harvesting and project monitoring. Bee Place is a one-stop sector development centre for enhancing the sub-region’s livelihoods and national economies.

Beekeeping Trainings

At the Bee Place, experience is the best teacher concept is not enough. We go a mile further. We say what goes into the making of that experience matters more. We thus conduct theoretical and practical training in modern and good beekeeping practices. Beekeepers are equipped with skills in managing their projects in areas using modern and appropriate technology. Place. Professional consultancy services available at the Bee Place include:
• Site survey
• Project Management & Monitoring
• Hive installation
• Harvesting


Bee place team provide professional consultancy service to help African’s beekeepers. Service We offer are ;
• Site survey
• Project monitoring
• Hive installation
• Harvesting service.

"Our Vision"

To be the leading all-round beekeeping sub-sector development pioneer service provider in East, Central and Southern Africa.

"Our Mission"

To promote modern skills and introduce most appropriate technology for beekeeping in East, Central and Southern Africa for the production

Our Core Values





About Beekeeping

While the mainstay of the East, Central and Southern Africa economies has been agriculture, the sub-region has all along ignored the economy diversification potential of the beekeeping sub-sector. Eyes have always been fixed on crop and animal husbandry.

Even in the event of considering beekeeping, concentration has been on honey, forgetting byproducts like bees wax, bee venom and royal jelly used in people’s daily life as food or medicine.

Beekeeping has the multiplier effect on the agricultural industry through the bee pollination function which has a direct bearing on many crops yield capacity.

Bee keeping helps to raise the productivity of small farmers as it enables them earn more income from the same area of land with minimal investment.

Beekeeping means diversification for the sub-region economies, higher small farmer income and livelihoods and is good for the environment.